STEM CHALLENGE- How do you know that the plants and trees are waking up? What is your evidence?
Cian: This is the Magnolia tree in our front yard
Beaker: What did it look like 3 weeks ago?
Cian: There were no buds on the tree because it was too cold
Beaker: When did you start to see buds and what do you think caused them?
Cian: About 2 weeks ago.
Beaker: We then went to Weather Underground to see if there was something that happened 2 weeks ago that would have caused this. We noticed that on April 6/7 the temperature spiked into the 60's.
Cian: I think the buds started budding because of the temperature.
Beaker: So what happens next?
Cian: The flowers will start budding
Beaker: When?
Cian: about a week.
Beaker: What could cause that to happen faster?
Cian: the temperature. If it gets really hot it may be quicker
OUTDOOR OBSERVATIONS- Photos of things you observe outdoors
BIG BRAINY THINKERS! With your parent's permission, I will post your work here. We already have some great work. Check it out!
CHECK THIS OUT! Families sometimes send me links that they would like to share with our school community. After I preview them, I post them for everyone to enjoy. Thank you, Families!! Sometimes the tabs open at the top of the screen.
- Put the date. Scientists always date their work.
- Use dots to organize your observations and questions.
- Remember to use capitals and periods for your sentences. Yes, even at home!
- Spell the best you can- perfect spelling is not necessary right now. It is more important for you to get your thinking on the page.
- Include scientific drawings if you would like to. Remember to label your details.